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Mid-Georgia Cattlemen’s News

MGCA Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursdays of January, March, May, July, September, November. Meetings start at 7:00 pm. Visit the MGCA Bull Sheet -President’s Report, MGCA Minutes, Convention Information, Steer and Heifer Show Highlights, Cattlemen and CattleWomen Upcoming Events, Educational articles, and more MGCA Information.

Please patronize our ad sponsors.

Please RSVP for the Monday, March 17, 2025

Membership meeting RSVP click here.

Condolences to the Charles Thompson Family

The Mid-Georgia Cattlemen and Cattlewomen send their condolences to the Charles Thompson Family. Charles was a long-time member of our association, and he truly loved raising cattle and hay. The family has asked in lieu of flowers for donations to be made to the Mid-Georgia Cattlemen’s Association, Inc. Obituary: Obituary | Charles E. Thompson Sr. | Coggins Funeral Home

Donations may be sent to:

Mid-Georgia Cattlemen’s Association, Inc

Elena Stanfield, Treasurer

2050 Jeff Davis Road

Thomaston, GA 30286


If you have trouble with the RSVP, contact Cynthia Douglas –

March MGCA Membership Meeting

Thursday, March 20th in Zebulon, GA -@ 7:00 Christ Chapel 

NOTE: This date has been changed since the GCA Convention is on our regular meeting night.


 RSVP DEADLINE: Monday, March 17th by Noon

Please let us know how many are attending, so there will be plenty of food and seating for all attending.

If you RSVP on time, your name will go in a drawing for Country Oaks Gift Certificates.



Jan.Feb BS 2025 Copy


80th West Central Georgia Show

JANUARY 18, 2025 – 11:00 Opening Ceremony 

Upson-Lee Agriculture Center in Thomaston, GA

Eighty Years ago, a group of Upson County Cattlemen, Kiwanis Club, and other businessmen came together to start the 1st show in Upson County. The show has continued due to the support of area cattlemen, cattlewomen, Extension Agents, FFA advisors, individuals, businesses and the Mid-Georgia Cattlemen’s Association.

            The show will be Saturday, January 18th at the Upson-Lee Agriculture Center in Thomaston. The committee will start sending invoices in November to those who supported the 2024 show. If you would like to support by donating or assisting with the show, contact Will Godowns 770-624-4223 or Cynthia Douglas 770-550-1070.

            Go ahead and mark your calendar for the 80th WCG Show. Let’s have a great turn out of past showmen and families to celebrate 80 years of showing cattle and support our youth that will be showing.

Do you want to help sponsor? 

If you are interested in donating to the 80th West Central Georgia Show, see the form below. For more information, contact Will Godowns or Cynthia Douglas.

Will Godowns -770-624-4223 or Cynthia Douglas 770-550-1070

New Sponsors Letter and form



Several of our members were highlighted at the MGCA Ladies’ Night Banquet during November for their dedication to promoting the beef industry, volunteering, and raising quality hay. This event was held at the Thomaston Methodist Church. Attendees were entertained by the Cowboy Poet, Tom Kerlin. Danny Bentley eagerly auctioned the cakes as a fundraiser for the CattleWomen and they collected over $1700.

Dr. O E Sell Service Award

Ray Brumbeloe was honored with the Dr. O E Sell Service Award for 2024. Ray served as the MGCA President 2012 and 2013. He has served as Vice President, treasurer and Pike County board member. He started the association using the website and he has been proofing and assisting with the Bull Sheet.

His interest in cattle began in high school and he showed the 1981 West Central Georgia Grand Champion Steer. He serves on the show committee and has assists with promotional and fundraising activities for over 40 years. Ray serves on the Pike County Agribusiness Authority and is the Pike County Farm Bureau President. Along with assisting with the events, he has a commercial cattle herd and works for Delta.

Mid-Georgia CattleWomen Recognized Beverly Hardin

The MGCA CattleWomen honored Beverly Hardin for her involvement in promoting BEEF. Beverly has volunteered for many years at Summer AgVacation, Beef and Berries, Cattle Shows, Buggy Days, Farm Days, Ladies’ Night and many more events. She has put together numerous Beef By-Product bags for the ladies to give away at events. Beverly will be there early and make sure everything is packed up before she leaves the event. Thanks, Beverly, for our dedication and for often stepping out of your comfort zone to promote beef.

 “Thank You” Hailey Partain!

At Ladies’ Night, the Mid-Georgia ladies presented Hailey Partain with a necklace in appreciation of her leadership as- the Georgia CattleWomen’s President for the past two years. She was very instrumental in getting the Cattle Educational Trunk organized and distributed to Georgia Farm Bureau. She is very passionate about educating youth, consumers, and producers about the Beef Industry. Thanks, Hailey, for the hours you have put into promoting BEEF!

Queen Pic

2024 and 2025 Queen Recognition by Macey South

Over the past year, Logan Ellington has had the honor of serving as the Cattlemen’s Queen. She has represented us very well throughout the state through her beef cattle project exhibiting and involvement as the Upson-Lee High School’s Vice President. Logan has said that she has thoroughly enjoyed her time as she has served as our Cattlemen’s Queen, and it has brought her outside of her comfort zone. She has made new friendships through her involvement and has grown tremendously as a person. Thank you, Logan, for serving as the 2024 Cattlemen’s Queen.

This year’s Mid-GA Cattlemen’s Queen has also been heavily involved in the beef cattle industry through her own beef cattle exhibition. She has been awarded numerous Grand Champion titles, including on the national level, and has volunteered countless hours in 4H and FFA events. This leading individual looks forward to sharing her passion for the beef cattle industry as a role model to others in the Cattlemen’s Queen’s position as well as through her outlet as Lamar County’s Reporter for the FFA officer team and as a Junior Cattleman. She is the daughter of Josh and Jennifer Campbell of Barnesville. Kylee Campbell, we are excited to see what you have to offer this year as our 2025 Mid-GA Cattlemen’s Queen!

Mid-Georgia Hay Contest Winners

Warm Season Grass Hay – 1st Leikri Farms; 2nd SSS Farms; 3rd Caldwell Farm and Land

Cool Season Grass Hay – 1st Billy Sullivan; 2nd B and B Farm Services; 3rd Wes Smith

Mixed Grass Hay – 1st Billy Sullivan; 2nd Sugar Hill Cattle Company; 3rd B and B Farm Services

Alfalfa Hay – 1st Casey Coggins

Grass Baleage – 1st Leikri Farms; 2nd Caldwell Farm and Land; 3rd Walters Farms

Legume Baleage – 1st Walters Farms

Hailey Partain, Upson/Lamar Extension Agent, was recognized as the Southeastern Hay Contest Top Georgia Extension Agent.